Italy System-Guarneri Family (Guarneri Family)

Andrea Guarneri (1623-1698) was the school founder of Guarneri family; who was originally a student of Niccolò Amati (1596-1684) . Guarneri family was considered to be one of the greatest violin makers in the history. Andrea's two sons - Pietro Guarneri (1655-1720) and Giuseppe Guarneri (1666-1740) were also violin makers.

Pietro Guarneri was the eldest son of the master luthier Andrea Guarneri, born in Cremona, Italy, he was established in Mantua, where he worked both as a musician and a violin maker. His instruments were generally finer than his father's. He was also developing himself as a violin and viola player. By 1685 he was accomplished enough to be performing for the Duke of Mantua as a violin soloist and a viola player in the Mantuan Court Orchestra. His musicianship made him unique among the great Italian violin makers of the classical period. People called him "Pietro di Mantova".

Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Guarneri had two sons named Pietro Guarneri and Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Jesus. The eldest son, Pietro Guarneri moved to Venice, and was known as the "Pietro di Venezia" In order to distinguish the same name with his uncle, the second son of Giuseppe named "Jesus” Giovanni (Guarneri del Gesù) . Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Jesus became the most distinguished, outstanding violin maker among the Giovanni family. He was also known as the greatest violin maker in the history.